***********Unique Creations**************

Saab 2000 Concordino
By Greggory Payne
Repainted in RivierAirlines livery
Copyright 2000
December 4, 2000

Repaint job:

RivierAirlines Virtual Airline
November 10, 2002

The Saab 2000 Concordino is a 50 seat regional aircraft which was specially concieved and developed for Crossair's
needs and built by Saab of Sweden, a company also famous for it automobile products. The aircraft quickly earned the name "Concordino" with Crossair, and with good reason: it may be powered by two turboprop engines, the Saab 2000 has the cruising speed of a jet. It is also equipped with a sophisticated electronic system which suppresses vibrations and thus much of the noise in the passenger cabin, providing an even smoother and more enjoyable flight. The aircraft features a transparent cockpit, full animation including flaps, rudder, airelons, landing gears, and elevators, as well night textures. The textures were made from scratch using only photos for reference.


Unzip the .zip file into your FS2000 or FS2002 aircraft directory. That is it!

example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2000\Aircraft

Unzip the gauges from the archive you find in the Panel subfolder to your FS main gauges folder.


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Please respect the copyright of this file. It cannot be altered in any way!
If you wish to make changes, please notify the original designer. That would
be me!

We here at Unique Creations hope you enjoy this file! Thank you, from the staff at Unique Creations.

If you have any comments or questions, please direct them to:

Unique Creations Designer

Copyright 2000
Unique Creations

Original designer: Greggory Payne
email: tealmad@new.rr.com

RivierAirlines colors by Marco Berruti
